The People Person’s Profile
Get your own People Person’s Profile
Deepening your awareness is at the heart of any personal development. Gaining clarity around what you do that most supports and nourishes you and where your biggest growth opportunities are allows you focus your energies where they’ll have most impact. The People Person’s Profile is a comprehensive survey of over 200 questions which form a personal report identifying where you’re already playing well and where you could do things differently to help you further.
The profile you’ll receive offers you an insight into how you’re currently playing in each of the pathways of the People Person’s Way framework and poses some reflective questions for you to consider. That may be enough to get you thinking about the strengths you want to build on and the areas that could use a little more attention. Or, for even greater impact you could supplement it with a laser focussed coaching session with one of our People People to devise a personalised action plan to move you forward further, faster.
If you’ve bought the book you’ll be able to receive a complimentary People Person’s Profile by using the code contained in the book to unlock this resource below. Otherwise click on one of the images below to purchase either a standalone report or to invest in a report with a personal coaching session to accompany it.