8 powerful questions to ‘unstick’ yourself

The August bank holiday almost always feels like the last big hurrah of the summer as the days shorten and September’s back to school energy looms around the corner. But in that sense, this year feels even more intense.

Summer easing of restrictions after a challenging winter of lockdowns allowed most of us to finally exhale and let loose, even just a little. There was a kind of unspoken expectation that we could relax and enjoy the summer and that from September we’d begin the process of finding our new grooves in a world more akin to the one we knew before. Life would pick up again.

If you have mixed feelings as we move into the final quarter of the year you aren’t alone.

Whether we’ve been consciously aware of it or not, since the pandemic began most of us have been in survival mode; getting through and out the other side was focus number one. For most of us, deliberate personal development and growth took a back-seat as we knuckled down to weather the storm. And, at the same time, we’ve all changed significantly in this time; relationships, friendships, career paths, personal values, habits and decisions have been thrown into the spotlight and re-evaluated.

We don’t want to live the way we were living before but most people don’t quite feel they know how to make the shift to a new way.

You may be looking forward to this next phase with optimism or with worry – or indeed with a measure of both. You might be still exhausted and finding motivation and focus difficult, or you might be fired up and ready to go. All approaches are valid. But imagine if you were to start 2022 with a clearer and sharper focus, renewed energy, greater confidence and determination to forge your own path. What if you could reclaim the time that you’ve lost?

To begin this process, ask yourself the following questions to help clarify your thinking and get you started.

1. What has the last 18 months taught me about myself?

2. What have I appreciated most?

3. What have I most missed?

4. What and who are the things and people that are most important to me?

5. In 12-months time, where do I want to be?

6. In 12-months time where do I not want to be?

7. What steps do I need to take to make the changes I need to make?

8. How and when am I going to do this?

These questions should start to give you some insight into where to focus your energy and attention. You might also want some expert guidance to really help you shake things up. If so, check out the People Person’s Programme . This programme is a rich and unique personal development experience based on my framework the People Person’s Way.

To join the waiting list for one of the limited places or to simply have a chat and find out more, give us a ring on 07590 533701 or email hi@thepeopleperson.org if you prefer.


Forget finding your passion, follow your curiosity …


BRINGing you the People Person’s Way